Atlanta Golf Online Lessons

Now you don’t need to live in Atlanta or travel there to have John elevate your game to the next level. He now offers online lessons so you can make dramatic improvements to your game without leaving home. Just send John both facing and down-the-live videos of your swing. He will analyze the videos and then discuss his thoughts with you on the phone for 30 minutes.

The cost for these game-enhancing online lessons is just $80.


From John

“For an online lesson, please send facing and down-the-videos of your swing with any club that you choose. I will analyze both and then we will have a 30 to 45 minute phone conversation to discuss my thoughts along with suggested drills. When shooting the videos it is extremely important that the camera is aligned with your hands or the swing will be distorted.” Thanks!

A Few Benefits of an Online Lession from John

  • John’s online lessons provide personalized video analysis and feedback tailored specifically to your swing and game. He can review your swing videos and provide drills and tips customized for your needs, rather than generic advice.
  • Access to John when you need him wherever you are!
  • Online lessons are generally more affordable than frequent in-person sessions.
  • By having John as your online coach your motivation to proactive regularly will increase. And as we all know practice is the key to improving your game!
  • While online lessons lack the hands-on feedback of in-person coaching, they offer a convenient and cost-effective way to get high-quality, personalized instruction from an elite coach.